Duke of Edinburgh's Award
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award inspires youth achievement and is open to anyone aged 14-24. The Award has three levels and participants complete four sections at each level: Voluntary Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. At Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project. You can also choose to complete your Kākāriki Journey which has an environmental focus. We can help you take part in your Adventurous Journey in a variety of ways.

Bronze Award
You can complete your Bronze Adventurous Journey practice & qualifier by enrolling on one of our existing Journey Programmes that run in school holidays, or if there are a group of you, consider creating your own journey with a tailored option.
Course Options:

Silver Award
You can complete your Silver Adventurous Journey (practice & qualifier) on one of our existing Journey Programmes that run in school holidays, or if there are a group of you, consider creating your own journey with a tailored option.
Course Options:

Gold Award
You can complete your Gold Adventurous Journey (practice or qualifier) or your Residential project on a Senior Journey Programme, or you can complete both on Adventure Skills Development. If there are a group of you, consider creating your own journey with a tailored option.
Course Options:
Adventurous Journey (14-18yrs)
If the current programmes we have don't suit, please register your interest in hearing about new programmes as they become available.

Achieving the Award with us at Whenua Iti Outdoors
You can achieve the Adventurous Journey section of the Award under our umbrella. All the information you need including how to enrol can be found on the Duke of Edinburgh's Award website.
Adventurous Journey Training and Assessment
You can complete your Adventurous Journey practice and/or qualifier and Gold Residential through Whenua Iti Outdoors no matter where you are registered to achieve the Award. We have a wide variety of options at Bronze, Silver and Gold. Activities can include tramping, kayaking, caving, bush survival and mountain biking in any of our stunning, local National Parks. Check out our Outcomes & Activities page to get an idea of the possibilities.
Your Trades Academy Programme Can Count Too!
If you are enrolled with us on one of our Trades Academy Programmmes, you may be able to count aspects of your programme towards the Award. Please contact us to find out more.
Achieving the Kākāriki Journey
We encourage you to sign up for the Kākāriki Journey as part of your Award. This gives your Award an environmental focus and can be applied to all levels. WIO can help achieve your Residential Project component, and we can provide ideas for your Skills & Service too. If you are interested in finding out more you can contact us .
Running the Award for your School or Group
We support other organisations delivering the Award. If you think the Award is a good option for your school or group, contact us for more information and support. We can provide tailored Adventurous Journeys and Residential experiences for your whole group or individuals who may have missed out on the group experience.
Please Note:
* If you are an individual you may be able to join a Whenua Iti Outdoors Holiday Programme or link with another group – contact us for more details.
* For those outside the region we can organise Nelson airport pick up & drop offs.
* Once you arrive at WIO we provide all transport.
* Our tailored Award programmes need a minimum of 6 participants to run.
* There is an additional $50 fee to cover Award administration on top of our standard programme costs.
"Courses are highly relevant and well planned, with activities designed with students’ safety in mind. The professional staff and ongoing nature of reflective practices help ensure the courses meet stakeholder needs."
- NZQA External Evaluation Report, 2019

Whenua Iti Outdoors Programme Options
Kaitiaki Leadership (L3)
Connect to nature while developing your outdoor adventure skills in our local national parks, learning about conservation & biodiversity management to protect these taonga. Participants have the opportunity of completing…
- Adventure
- Nature Connection
- Environment
Adventure Skills Development (L3)
Develop your outdoor adventure skills on this programme – experience a variety of outdoor activities while on group outdoor expeditions in local national parks. Participants have the opportunity to complete…
- Adventure
Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.