Free Activities & Resources
We have developed a range of activities and supportive resources to be used at school or in a home learning environment. The activities are designed to support distance learning when necessary, promote health & wellbeing, and will also make fun Education Outside the Classroom (EOTC) activities whilst at school! Most activities are aimed at 7 - 14yr olds, with some younger children needing assistance.
GO WILD Challenges
A series of fun videos (mostly 5-10min long) developed by our instructor team that introduce challenges based on our Go Wild Holiday Programme that includes building a waka, bike skills & mindfulness. They can be completed at home or in the classroom.
Kaiako/Teacher Guides
We have created a page just for kaiako to support the delivery of the nature connection activities in a classroom setting, or for home-schooling. They are packed with helpful tips, extension activities and resources to support classroom learning.
Nature Connection Activities
There are more than 10 fun activities to choose from that will help tamariki connect to nature either at home or in the classroom. They all download as a pdf, require minimal resources and are great pre & post activities to support our programmes or to support classroom-based learning.
Interested in Nature Connection Programmes?
In partnership with local iwi and conservation groups, the Kaimahi for Nature Connection (KFNC) Project seeks to provide nature connection experiences to as many tamariki & rangatahi in schools, iwi and community groups as possible in the Top of the South.
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