Our Team

We are incredibly fortunate to have a dedicated and fun team working together to make Whenua Iti Outdoors the successful organisation that it is today.

We have a creative, positive and supportive team culture that extends well beyond the office walls, into our programmes, and into our relationships with the wider community that we support.

whenua iti staff rockclimbing
Whenua Iti Outdoors favicon logo

Leadership Team


Mark Bruce-Miller, Chief Executive Officer

Ngā mihi nui, ko Mark ahau.  In 2013 I took on the role as General Manager of Whenua Iti Outdoors after 13 years teaching and managing tertiary programmes in both Nelson and Wellington. Over the last 11 years I have enjoyed supporting our team to grow and strengthen our connections to youth across our community, our region, wider New Zealand and now around the world under the banner of Experiential Education New Zealand. I am extremely proud of the work we do, the change we are able to inspire and of the fantastic team we work alongside. He aroha whakatō, he aroha ka puta mai - If kindness is sown, then kindness is what you shall receive.


Liana Richards, Education Partnerships Manager

Kia ora. I have had the privilege of working at Whenua Iti Outdoors since 2013 and have been working in the education sector in various roles from 2004. A key focus of the work I have been involved in is creating pathway options for students transitioning from school onto further study or the world of work. Here at Whenua Iti the focus is broader and deeper, using experiential education to create innovative platforms for young people to experience success. I love the work we do here and the very real and positive impact it has on those that take part in our programmes.


Ross Morton, Safety & Operations Manager

Kia ora, I have been extremely fortunate to have worked within the field of Outdoor Education since the early 90s and have had the privilege of serving in several senior leadership roles throughout the world. My professional journey brought me to Whenua Iti Outdoors in 2015 where I have been responsible for overseeing programme safety and operations. I have been constantly impressed and inspired by both the professionalism of the Whenua Iti team and the willingness of the students to engage in impactful experiential learning that achieves positive change in individuals and in the communities from which they come. I love my job and the work we do here!

Ruth Buchanan

Ruth Buchanan, Office Manager

Kia ora, I started working at WIO in 2016 and have loved every minute of it. I bring 20 years office and administration experience to my role. I really value what WIO stands for and am proud to be a part of the team.
Ko koe, ko au, ko mātou, ko tatou, ngātahi he haporitātou. You, me, we, us, together we make a community.


Bree Arnott, Marketing & Communications Manager

Kia ora, ko Bree tōku ingoa. I feel fortunate to be part of the wonderful kaupapa of Whenua Iti Outdoors. The path that led me here detoured through environmental science, accounts management and graphic design, but the thing that grounds me here, like so many of our team, is a firm belief in the transformative power of te taiao. I’ve always loved exploring the outdoors and believe that everyone should have access to the experiential learning we offer. He mahi tahi tātou, mō te ora ō te katoa – let us work together for the wellbeing of everyone.

"Professional beyond the call of duty." Parent

"The tutors are of the highest standard and I know that at any point I could go to them for support or advice."
Past Student

"They focus on much more than the curriculum to include building up of confidence, self-worth etc and this has resulted in a number of students 'turning the corner' in their learning and development"
Student Co-ordinator

Senior Educator Team

Mike Elkington , Kaiako

Mike Elkington

Kaiako - Kaiārahi

Mike Elkington, Kaiarahi


Charlie Martin

Duty Manager

Charlie Martin, Duty Manager


Johnny Johnson

Duty Manager

Johnny Johnson, Duty Manager


Christopher Gilbertson (Gilby)

Duty Manager

Chris Gilbertson, Duty Manager

Educator Team


Joe Dawson



Linda Heath



Kegan Ellmers



Rosey Joyce



Rachel Baker



Taylor Bruning

Kaiako / Instructor


Fletcher Phelan



Scott Martin


Lucy Crozier

Lucy Crozier


Lara Hania

Lara Hania



Jesse Palmer



Michael Brickwedde


Jason Dockery

Jason Dockery


Ella Kohn-Taylor

Ella Kohn-Taylor


Tom Te Whare

Tom Te Whare


He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!

What is the most important thing in the world? It is people! It is people! It is people!

Office & Base Team


Chelsea Cannell

Projects & Funding Coordinator

Mandy Noble, Accounts

Mandy Noble

Accounts Administrator

Mo Erni Office Administrator Whenua Iti Outdoors

Mo Erni

Programme Coordinator


Emma Gray

Programme Coordinator


Delyth Logan

Quality & Curriculum Lead


Lacey Rogers

Marketing Coordinator

Leanne Westenenk

Leanne Westenenk

Facilities Support

Emma Gray

Bookings & Project Administrator


Alena Visser

Programme Coordinator

Nick Kingstone

Nick Kingstone

Partnerships Lead


Geraldine Stones

Systems Development Lead


Sarah-Jane Sauer

Facilities Support


Brad Dalton

Food Coordinator


Tony Scott



Margaret Woolgrove

Projects & Funding Lead

Lucy Carver

Lucy Carver

Marketing Coordinator

Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.