Secondary School Programmes
Whenua Iti Outdoors is here to support schools in the education of rangatahi. We provide unique experiential learning programmes that complement and enhance classroom learning. Programmes can be tailored towards specific outcomes, the focus can vary between leadership goals, social development, technical skills, career development or may have a NCEA support focus.
Working together with schools we are able to help your rangatahi through Experiential Education to experience success, learn and grow.

Trades Academy Programmes
Whenua Iti Outdoors in conjunction with Top of the South Trades Academy (TOTSTA) and West Coast Trades Academy (WCTA) deliver a range of programmes to Year 11 -13 students.
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Holiday Programmes
We offer programmes during the school holidays to secondary students, some of which can also include NCEA assessments. This is a great way to get the most out of the school holidays!
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Tailored Programmes
We work with school & community groups to design & deliver bespoke programmes to meet the needs of your students - we can also build in NCEA assessments to offer educational outcomes.
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Duke of Edinburgh's Award
We support individuals & schools to participate in the Award, which inspires youth leadership & achievement. WIO are registered providers of Adventurous Journeys & Gold Residential Project.
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Qualified Instructors
You're in safe hands. Our friendly & highly professional instructors are all industry qualified for a wide range of activities.
NZQA Qualified and NCEA Aligned
We are NZQA accredited, can offer NCEA Level 1-3 assessments and all programmes align with the NZ Curriculum key competencies.
Safety Accredited
We put safety first. We are a registered provider of Adventure Activities with Worksafe NZ, and are Safety audit certified with OutdoorsMark.
All Secondary School Programmes
Adventure Leadership (L1)
Build on a love of the outdoors by learning technical and practical outdoor skills in a team environment while exploring Te Tauihu. Participants have the opportunity of completing 6 Level…
- Adventure
Aotearoa Orientation
Experience and learn about Aotearoa, New Zealand through this unique, immersive cultural orientation program designed to provide students with an authentic insight into Te Ao Māori and the connection between…
- Cultural
- Nature Connection
Aotearoa Adventure
Explore stunning national parks & wilderness locations in Te Tauihu (Top of the South Island) while undertaking 5 days of adventure and cultural activities. Take part in adventurous experiences that…
- Adventure
- Nature Connection
Kaitiaki Leadership (L3)
Connect to nature while developing your outdoor adventure skills in our local national parks, learning about conservation & biodiversity management to protect these taonga. Participants have the opportunity of completing…
- Adventure
- Nature Connection
- Environment
Adventure Leadership (L2)
Build on a love of the outdoors by learning technical and practical outdoor skills in a team environment while exploring Te Tauihu. Participants have the opportunity of completing 5 Level…
- Adventure
Adventure Skills Development (L3)
Develop your outdoor adventure skills on this programme – experience a variety of outdoor activities while on group outdoor expeditions in local national parks. Participants have the opportunity to complete…
- Adventure
Uniformed Services (Level 2)
Find out first hand what it’s really like to be a paramedic, a police officer and a firefighter! Course Aim: To provide students with the opportunity to explore career pathways…
- Trades
Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.