Our Kaupapa (Our Purpose)

To achieve our vision we carefully design and deliver programmes to meet the needs of each group.  We focus on creating a positive learning environment that challenges and provides learning opportunities for everyone who takes part.

Our Vision:

Experiential Learning Inspiring Positive Change

Our Mission:

To Achieve Positive Change in Individuals and Communities

Learn about how we measure our social impact.

Ngā Uara / Our Values:

The values we hold as an organisation are embedded in the programmes we deliver, in the relationships we foster
and in how we plan for the future.



We inspire,
we encourage,
we instil confidence.



We show respect,
generosity and
care for others.

Manaakitanga, one of our guiding principles


We model guardianship, stewardship and trusteeship of our land and our people.



We share experiences and together we strengthen each other and our communities.

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Key elements underpinning our programmes:

Experiential Learning

Central to our kaupapa is a strong belief in learning through experience, or Experiential Learning. There is a growing body of research that supports this style of learning and recognises the positive impact it has for students.

> find out more

Outcomes & Activities

All programmes focus on achieving positive personal and social development outcomes through a range of activities. Each activity provides beneficial learning opportunities – as well as fun!  Senior secondary school programmes also include academic outcomes contributing to students NCEA.

> find out more

Safety First

Safety is paramount at Whenua Iti Outdoors.  We understand that the organisations who contract us need safety assurance and that  participants need to feel safe, both physically and emotionally. Our safety systems are robust and our outdoor instructors are all industry qualified.

> find out more

Measuring Our Impact

Reflection is an important part of ensuring we continue to meet the needs of our communities.  We spend a lot of time evaluating our programmes and reflecting on how we can improve what we do.  It is an ongoing challenge to measure social outcomes, a challenge we are committed to.

> find out more

Hāpaitia te ara tika pūmau ai te rangatiratanga mō ngā uri whakatipu

Foster the pathway of knowledge to strength, independence and growth for future generations.

Social Impact Report

As part of an on-going evaluation process we find ways to measure the impact of Whenua Iti Outdoors. You can read our findings in this report.

What is Experiential Learning?

Find out a little more about the educational philosophy that underpins the programmes we deliver at Whenua Iti Outdoors.

Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.