The Manaaki Tāpoi Advanced programme will strengthen participant’s understanding both of the uniqueness of Māori culture as well as the interconnectedness of Te Ao Māori.
The course builds on the Manaaki Tāpoi Introduction (Level 2) programme to further develop skills and the ability to interact with manuhiri through the delivery of Māori tourism experiences.
Entry Requirements
Students need to have completed the Manaaki Tapoi Introduction – Level 2 course or be able to demonstrate the following with a school recommendation:
- Know and present pepeha
- A sound knowledge of whanaungatanga and kaitaikitanga
- Recite a mininum of one karakia and one waiata from memory
Learning Objectives
Students will have the opportunity to achieve academic learning objectives thatcontribute to their National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) and develop crucial personal and social development skills.
Personal and Social Development Objectives:
Personal and social skills are transferable to any chosen career pathway and are considered essential skills by employers.
- Increasing willingness to learn
- Understanding and assuming personal responsibility
- Developing belief in self and increasing confidence
- Developing a positive attitude
- Recognising and developing potential
- Developing resilience skills (coping with challenge and change)
- Developing positive communication skills
Course Outline & Assessments:
Course outline including academic learning objectives – Manaaki Tāpoi Advanced Level 3
For course specific assessments talk to your school Trades Academy coordinator or email [email protected]
Related Courses & Pathways
Use links below to explore related courses and pathway options:
To view all Whenua Iti Outdoors Trades Academy programmes and a pathway diagram go to Further Resources below.
Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, I anga mai koe i hea. Tēnā ka mohio koe, kei te anga aku koe ki hea. If you know who you are and where you are from, then you will know where you are going.