Environmental Sustainability (Level 3)

If you enjoy being outside, being active and learning in a hands-on, practical way, then come and join our efforts to protect New Zealand’s unique biodiversity!

This programme will focus on bringing environmental sustainability, conservation practices and mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge and wisdom) to life through a series of field-based, environmental activities.  The curriculum will be engaging, practical and delivered in a dynamic learning environment.  It aims to give students a good background on environmental and conservation issues facing our modern society, whilst at the same time trying not to overwhelm them. An emphasis is placed on creating a connection to our natural world and therefore a desire to preserve it. Students will be exposed to ways they can reduce their impact and will have the opportunity to interact with groups who are doing some amazing work to preserve and restore our natural world.  Underpinning the curriculum is the development of crucial personal and social development skills transferable to any vocational pathway.

Learning Objectives

Students will have the opportunity to achieve academic learning objectives that contribute to their National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA) and develop crucial personal and social development skills.

Personal and Social Development Objectives:

Personal and social skills are transferable to any chosen career pathway and are considered essential skills by employers.

  • Increasing willingness to learn
  • Understanding and assuming personal responsibility
  • Developing belief in self and increasing confidence
  • Developing a positive attitude
  • Recognising and developing potential
  • Developing resilience skills (coping with challenge and change)
  • Developing positive communication skills

Course Outline & Assessments:

Course outline including academic learning objectives – Environmental Sustainability

For course specific assessments talk to your school Trades Academy coordinator or email [email protected]

To view all Whenua Iti Outdoors Trades Academy programmes and a pathway diagram go to further resources section below.

Tirohia kia marama, whawhangia kia rangona te ha
Observe to gain enlightenment, participate to feel the essence

Further resources

| Secondary School Programmes | Download our full programme brochure

| Trades Academy Programmes | Whenua Iti Outdoors (WIO) Trades Academy options

| Programme Pathways Diagram| WIO Trades Academy programme pathways

| Environmental Science | link to Careers NZ Tertiary Training and Career information

Key Components:

  • Environment
  • Trades

Open to:

Year 12-13 Students

NCEA Level:
20 credits at Level 3


Four one-week blocks (Mon-Thurs)


Block course format (includes overnights)


Tasman / Nelson, on & off-site locations


Zero cost to students. Funded by the Ministry of Education.



Intake 1: 4 weeks across terms 1 & 2 – Dates to be confirmed.


Dates may be subject to change.
Some academic objectives may change to align with assessment changes.


  • NCEA


Qualified Instructors

You're in safe hands. Our friendly & highly professional instructors are all industry qualified for a wide range of activities.


NZQA Qualified and NCEA Aligned

We are NZQA accredited, can offer NCEA Level 1-3 assessments and all programmes align with the NZ Curriculum key competencies.


Safety Accredited

We put safety first. We are a registered provider of Adventure Activities with Worksafe NZ, and are Safety audit certified with OutdoorsMark.

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