by Amy Dalton

This week we were very excited to invite the first students ever on the Whenua Iti Outdoors Uniformed Services Programme.

Aimed at Year 12 & 13 students, the Uniformed Services programme is a taster of a career in Search & Rescue, the Coastguard, Emergency Services such as Ambulance, Fire or Police, Civil Defence or Armed Forces.

Uniformed Services 3
Students learning from the experts at the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust.

Bush survival, search and rescue, maritime distress signalling and first aid are just some of the skills participants will take away. Completion has the added bonus of up to 19 NCEA mostly level two credits. These credits contribute towards their National Certificate of Education Achievement (NCEA)

Delivered over 16 days, Uniformed Services is one of the few programmes in the country that gives Secondary School students an idea what is needed to work in this highly specialised industry.   Both paid and voluntary pathways are explored and give students a wide scope for future career options.

The Uniformed Services is delivered in conjunction with secondary schools via the Top of the South Trades Academy, Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology and with the generous help from regional emergency services.

For more information check out our Trades Programmes.

Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.