Measuring our Impact – what do we know?

by Nettie Stow

For many years Whenua Iti Outdoors has been held in high regard by the people who participate in our programmes or maybe their families and others in the community who for some reason come across our work. We have heard many tales of how “my son turned a corner doing a WIO programme” or “WIO provided the momentum for change for my daughter” and this type of feedback is essential for us to know that the programmes we offer are relevant and are doing what we intend them to do.

How we tell this story to people outside of our organisation has always been a challenge so in 2107 we produced a written Social Impact Report which you can download and read (updated edition out in May!). The point of the SIR is to demonstrate the impact of our mahi – what changes do we actually make? Two standout discoveries came from this process – we had very little quantitative data (numbers!) and we needed to up our game in recording qualitative (stories) data. Fast forward to 2019 and now we have the documentary version of the Social Impact Report ready for you to view and we’d love your feedback!!

You can watch it on our website (you can expand the clip to full screen for a better viewing experience) and we’d love to hear your feedback. Our story is a tricky one to communicate well as work with different people in different ways and adapt what we offer to suit the person in front of us. Hopefully the video gives you a better idea of what we do, how we do it, why we do it and what the outcomes actually are.

Making the video was fun and we’d like to thank everyone who took part – even when they were super nervous to talk in front of the camera!

Want to find out more about a programme or have a question for us? Talk to one of our friendly team - we're happy to help.